Code of Conduct (JCC Sports)

PrintCode of Conduct




   JCC Warriors


Purpose of the Policy & Code of Conduct

The purpose of this policy manual is to assist parents & players with understanding the operation of our Association, its structure and what to expect from the JCC Warriors for the 2024-25 season. These policies may be modified or amended from time to time by the JCC Warriors acting in the best interest of the Association.


The Structure of the JCC WARRIORS

The JCC WARRIORS is a not-for-profit, youth basketball association, operating within the boundaries of the City of Toronto and the City of Vaughan and managed by the JCC  Sports.


The JCC Warriors is a member of the following organizations: Schwartz/Reisman Center, Prosserman JCC, Ontario Basketball Association (OBA), The Coalition Basketball League, Respect in Sport.


Parent & Player Code of Conduct

The JCC Warriors expects from its parents and players, civil behavior at all games and practices. Attached is a code of conduct agreement for your review.


Dispute Resolution Procedure

If a parent or player seeks to resolve any complaint about 1) any financial matter relating to the registration fees of the team or payment thereof, 2) any team fees payable by the player or payment thereof, or 3) any other problem related to compliance with the rules and policies of the team/Association, the following procedure should be followed:

1. Discussion with the coach and/or manager - if not satisfied then within 3 business days,

2. Discuss with the Basketball Leagues Coordinator - if not satisfied then within 3 business days, 

3. Write to the JCC Sports Director of Sports, with a copy to the team manager and the JCC Warriors Basketball League Coordinator requesting that the complaint be dealt with.

4. The complaint shall be heard, in person, by zoom, by telephone or e-mail, at the discretion of the Association, within 7 business days of receipt of the complaint, by one or more officers or members of the Association who are independent of the team for which the player is registered.


If the Coach/Association seeks to resolve any issue arising from failure to adhere to Player or Parents Codes of Conduct the following steps will be taken:

  1. First incident – Coach or Team Manager discussion with player and parent as necessary no sooner than 24 hours no later than 3 business days.
  2. Second incident -a formal email will be sent to family from Association outlining compliance requirements and may include reeducation on conduct expectations.
  3. Third incident formal meeting with parents, members of the Association who are independent of the team for which the player is registered. Team officials and player will be asked to attend should it be deemed necessary.


After the parent meeting sanctions for not adhering to code of conduct may be implemented. The JCC Warriors, in conjunction with team management, may determine the appropriate sanction for players and parents who violate expected behavior requirements. Sanctions may include suspension, and or removal from program of player, parent, or both.


JCC WARRIORS Contact Information:


JCC Warriors Admin Office – [email protected].

JCC Director of Sports Paola Visentin [email protected]




 DEFINITION: Anyone who participates in an athletic activity is considered an athlete. It is expected that each athlete will always compete to the best of his or her abilities, keeping in mind the spirit of competition and of the game.

GOAL STATEMENT: Any athlete participating in Basketball Ontario sanctioned events will be expected to adhere to the following Guidelines for Behavior:

ACTIONS: Always model mature behavior consistent with that of the JCC Warriors and the Basketball Ontario Guidelines for behavior.:

As a player, I commit to:

  FAIR PLAY is an athlete’s priority.

  Participate for the love and enjoyment of the game.

  Respect the efforts and accomplishments of your team-mates and your opponents.

  Respect officials, coaches, spectators, and event organizers.

  Respect the facility you visit or in which you play.

  Respect the rules of the game.

  I will help my teammates establish a fun playing environment.

  I will always bring my basketball to practices and games.

  I will always bring my practice jersey or game jerseys/shorts when expected.

  I will always bring a positive attitude, my best concentration and highest effort each time.

  I will care for my playbook as a top-secret document.


   I understand that I will follow the steps for dispute resolution as described in the JCC Warriors policy manual. Failing to abide by Code of Conduct and or the dispute resolutions steps may result in parental or player discipline including suspension or removal from program.



GOAL: To Foster a positive environment for all players and families participating in the program and represent the JCC Warriors with class, professionalism, good sportsmanship, and respect for all.

As a Parent/Guardian I agree to:

       Encourage my child to participate in sports in a positive manner.

       Learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.

       Be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing RESPECT and courtesy to other coaches, officials and spectators and all games.

       Not engage in any unsportsmanlike conduct such as booing, taunting, or using profane language. This is applicable in relation to all other parents, coaches, players, or management of the JCC organization as well as the OBA officials and opposing players, coaches, and management.

       Understand that the season runs from Sept 15th until April 1st or later and maintain full commitment throughout the season.

       Ensure my child is on time, prepared and ready to play for ALL practices, games and team activities. Failure to do so may result in loss of playing time or suspensions as team management sees fit.

       Notify my team manager and coach as far in advance as possible if my child will be absent for any game or practice.

       Report any unsportsmanlike behavior, abusive behavior or conduct detrimental to the team/players to the appropriate team officials.

       Respect the facilities we play and practice in, as well as its rules and policies.

       Demand that my child treat all others with RESPECT.

       Teach my child that doing one's best is more important than winning.

       Understand that a JCC Basketball Open Gym Membership is a special privilege extended to REP players and will be taken away without recourse if players are found to be in violation of any policies outlined by management.

       Never question, discuss, or confront coaches at a game/practice. Any questions or concerns will be dealt with in a private setting with the coach (respecting the 24-hour rule/ policy and if necessary to follow the dispute resolution procedure).

       Treat my coaches and managers with respect, even when we disagree on a subject.

       Understand that in rep sports, equal playing time is not always guaranteed, and abide by coaches’ decisions as they pertain to gameplay and practices

       During a game, if a bad play is called by referee or if my child is injured, I will not step onto the court unless specifically asked to.

       I understand that for practices/games being early is “on time” and being on time is being “late.”


I understand that I will follow the steps for dispute resolution as described in the JCC Warriors policy manual. Failing to abide by Code of Conduct and or the dispute resolutions steps may result in parental or player discipline including suspension or removal from program.