Medical (JCC Sports)

What happens if my child gets injured?

Medical personnel are available at most athletic venues and the hub. If an athlete is injured, the on-site staff will evaluate the situation and determine the next course of action. If there is no medical personnel on site, which may be the case for some non-contact sports, the athlete would be taken to the hub, or in an emergency, to the local hospital or urgent care center. In the event of an injury, the athlete’s delegation head will be notified immediately. The delegation head will then contact the parents.

Why do I need to provide a medical form filled out by my doctor within the past six months?

It is important for the Games medical staff to have the most up-to-date medical information on each athlete to ensure the athlete receives the best care in the event of an injury or emergency.

How do I communicate health issues about my child?
Parents will be asked to fill out a medical information form as part of their registration process. In addition, parents should communicate any medical conditions or issues directly to their delegation heads. Any documented information will be kept confidential and parents are encouraged to be honest on their forms so that the delegation head is prepared to deal with any situation that may arise.

Are there trainers at each venue and will they do taping?
Although medical personnel will be available at most venues, they will not be available for taping. Athletes and coaches will be responsible for all taping.
Who is authorized to give my child clearance to play after he/she is injured?
Clearance may be given only by the hub medical personal after they have examined the athlete and are confident they are well enough to participate and would not risk further injury. Athletes, delegation heads, coaches and parents are not authorized to give clearance.